EPIM's Response to the Ukraine crisis

EPIM's Response to the Ukraine crisis

Following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia on 24 February 2022, EPIM has been in direct and ongoing contact with civil society organisations, foundations and other relevant actors, including EU institutions and agencies as well as international organisations, to coordinate and to assess the needs across Europe.

Building on its experience over the last few years in responding more nimbly and flexibly to certain geo-political and societal developments, EPIM has quickly decided to put forward its Opportunity Funds mechanism to pool additional funding to respond to the needs that are and will be arising from the Ukraine crisis in Europe, aimed at supporting all those impacted by and fleeing the war in Ukraine, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, age, gender, (dis)ability, sexual orientation, religion and migration status – including people fleeing Russia where applicable. Looking beyond humanitarian aid, EPIM aims to support a variety of mid- to long-term needs for which no public or other private funding is available, and will focus on  initiatives outside Ukraine.

So far, EPIM has raised in addition of 4 million EUR, for this purpose, thanks to the additional contributions of several of its partner foundations, including Adessium Foundation, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Fondation de France, Open Society Foundations, Robert Bosch Foundation, Compagnia di San Paolo, and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.

EPIM is open and able to receive more contributions from both EPIM and non-EPIM foundations.