ALONG THE WAY: Experimentation of network actions for the transition to adulthood of unaccompanied and separated children and young adults

ALONG THE WAY: Experimentation of network actions for the transition to adulthood of unaccompanied and separated children and young adults
  • 01 Apr 2017 - 31 Mar 2020
  • Status: Past
  • Italy
  • Children and Youth on the Move
  • CESVI Fondazione Onlus

This project is an initiative that takes inspiration from the trip to Italy and the long way that every young person has to go in his life; a project that recalls the journey of public and private bodies towards suitable and integrated responses to young people in order to accompany and make them feel responsible in their migratory path; these are the steps that every local community has to take if it wants to play a leading role in the cultural change characterised by reception and integration, in accordance with its peculiarity.

A network of seventeen partners among which public authorities, social cooperatives, associations and training institutions is active in Emilia Romagna, Lombardy, Sicily and Tuscany with a view to promote, share and replicate pilot projects and best practices about reception and integration of youth on the move aged between 16 and 19. “Along the way” supports young people in their path towards autonomy and helps them build the necessary competences and awareness for their delicate transition to adulthood: 173 girls and boys are involved in the study programmes and internships in the area.

Project partners: ASP Città di BolognaAssociazione AccoglieReteAssociazione AgevolandoAssociazione di Solidarietà Sociale Onlus L’Albero della VitaAssociazione Don Lorenzo Milani OnlusAssociazione Formazione Professionale Patronato San VincenzoComune di BergamoComune di Bologna – Area Benessere di comunitàCooperativa Sociale C.S.A.P.S.A.Due OnlusCooperativa Sociale Camelot – Officine CooperativeCooperativa Sociale CEIS FormazioneCooperativa Sociale FamilleCooperativa Sociale Oxfam Italia InterculturaCooperativa Sociale Società DolcePasswork – Impresa Sociale Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus, Società Cooperativa Sociale Il S.Ol.E. Sostegno Oltre L’Emarginazione Onlus