Alternatives to detention: towards a more effective and humane migration management

Alternatives to detention: towards a more effective and humane migration management
  • 01 Jan 2022 - 31 Dec 2023
  • Status: Past
  • Italy
  • Shaping the Future of European Migration Governance
  • Coalizione Italiana Libertà e Diritti Civili

Led by the Coalizione Italiana Libertà e Diritti Civili and Progetto Diritti, this project builds on the organisations´ previous experience in implementing an ATD pilot. The project will provide holistic and individualised case management to individuals in a community setting, with the aim to empower them and support them in achieving case resolution in full collaboration with the competent authorities. In doing so, the project aims to generate new evidence on, and to advocate for, the beneficial outcomes of ATD in Italy.