Led by the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), this project is mapping de facto detention policies and practices at national level across 23 European countries with 3 in-depth national case studies in Belgium, France and Germany, through support to the Asylum and information Database (AIDA). It will conduct comparative research on blurred boundaries between reception and detention, analysing the applicable legal frameworks and relevant jurisprudence, as well as their implementation in practice. In addition to a mapping report, the project will also involve 3 in-depth national case studies with focused research on blurred reception / detention boundaries, implemented together with national partners.
Based on the collected evidence from national-level policy and practice, the project seeks to activate accountability mechanisms at the national and European levels and to promote transparency of de facto detention policies as a prerequisite for challenging such policies. This will be done, amongst others, through advocacy at European level as well as communications work.