Communicating stories from the ground as an international network

Communicating stories from the ground as an international network
  • 01 Aug 2018 - 31 Jul 2019
  • Status: Past
  • EU
  • Communicating on Migration
  • Refugees Welcome International

Refugees Welcome International (RWI) aims to establish a joint communications strategy to increase refugee participation in communications on the issue, mobilise wider constituencies for refugee issues, and increase their participation in key debates at EU level. RWI is a network of 16 national-level Refugee Welcome organisations who already coordinate on a number of issues. Refugees Welcome Italia coordinates this project.

A Steering Committee of five members (RW Italia, RW Austria, RW Sweden, RW Spain, RW France) will lead a process of assessing gaps and potential of existing member communications capacities, drafting a joint communications strategy and testing results in pilot activities over the course of a one-year process. This basis should lead into establishing efficient and formalised processes of internal coordination around communications goals, setting up external communications channels as determined in the strategy and testing the potential in becoming more relevant in EU-level advocacy with the network’s core messages, in the course of the next two years of capacity development.