From Theory to Practice: A Network of Alternative to Detention (ATD) Implementers in Europe

From Theory to Practice: A Network of Alternative to Detention (ATD) Implementers in Europe
  • 15 May 2017 - 31 Jul 2019
  • Status: Past
  • EU
  • Shaping the Future of European Migration Governance
  • International Detention Coalition, Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants

Led by the International Detention Coalition (IDC), together with Detention Action and PICUM, the Network of Alternative to Detention Implementers provides a platform at European level to support capacity-building, peer exchange and evidence-based advocacy on alternatives to detention, to contribute to reducing and ending immigration detention in the region. Bringing together implementers of case management-based ATD pilot projects from different national contexts with regional advocacy organisations, the network works to increase the capacity of civil society to develop and implement ATD pilots, to gather and consolidate evidence from the pilots as a foundation for national and EU-level advocacy, and to build momentum and evidence supporting engagement-based alternatives to detention.