IN MY PLACE. Advocacy actions to support young migrants’ access to adequate housing

IN MY PLACE. Advocacy actions to support young migrants’ access to adequate housing
  • 01 Jun 2022 - 31 May 2024
  • Status: Past
  • Italy
  • Children and Youth on the Move
  • Agevolando, Oxfam Italy

Through this project, Oxfam Italy and Agevolando will set up a national advocacy coalition around the transition to adulthood in Italy. The main objective of IN MY PLACE is facilitating access to adequate housing for young migrants who leave reception facilities between ages 18 and 21.

Access to housing is a key component of the path towards autonomy: having an adequate accommodation is not only important in itself, but is crucial to find and maintain a stable working condition, which is largely dependent on the possess of legal residency. At the same time, finding accommodation outside the reception system is increasingly difficult for young migrants. Social housing solutions are scarce, whilst the real estate market is discriminatory toward migrants, who struggle to find a house even with a permanent job contract. Advocacy activities will be conducted at national level, regional and local level.