Pending kids: Accompanying actions to the autonomy of unaccompanied foreign minors in their transition to adulthood

Pending kids: Accompanying actions to the autonomy of unaccompanied foreign minors in their transition to adulthood
  • 04 Apr 2017 - 03 Apr 2020
  • Status: Past
  • Italy
  • Children and Youth on the Move
  • Dedalus Cooperativa Sociale

In Campania, Dedalus cooperates with four partners in  project that aims to improve the quality of life of children and youth on the move and facilitate their access to the opportunities of citizenship of their Italian peers.

Taking advantages from a variety of actions ranging from contact in the streets to the first and second level reception up to housing and working independently, the project is based on a series of individual programmes that call the young people to actively participate in the definition of their own path: this is a social contract based on shared objectives and activities, where both the youths and the operators are engaged in a fair exchange and in journey far from a mere approach based on the culture of dependency.

The programmes undertaken are meant to meet material needs, but at the same time they also pay a special attention to cultural and social opportunities with a view to enhancing the possibility of living in common spaces and building up relationships based on affection.

The network of partners involved in the project works at the stabilisation of the services offered by the local welfare planning.

Project partners: Comune di NapoliOxfam ItaliaPio Monte della MisericordiaPriscilla – Associazione di Volontariato