The Czech Migration Consortium

The Czech Migration Consortium
  • 01 Apr 2024 - 30 Sep 2024
  • Status: Past
  • Czechia
  • Building Inclusive Societies in CEE
  • Consortium of Migrant Assisting Organisations

The Czech Consortium of Migrant Assisting Organisations, which has existed for over two decades, unites 20 migrant-supporting organisations, which provide legal, social and educational services to migrants and refugees. The Consortium has become an essential partner for public officials and political actors, and as a common advocacy platform, consolidates the expertise and practical experiences of their member organisations. It also supports regular exchange of good practices among members and carries out research studies on migration-related issues within education, social services, legislative systems or intercultural capacities.

EPIM’s renewal of support to the Consortium and its members will enable critical dialogue on urban inclusivity, mainstreaming of migrant services, and an intersectional approach to diversity in primary education. The focal points of the project include:

1. Legislative advocacy on behalf of its members on the national and local level;

2. Promotion of intercultural work and education in intercultural competencies among social service providers and government employees;

3. Support for inclusive measures, particularly at a local level, through training of specialists in education, social services, offices, municipalities, especially in smaller municipalities;

4. Advocacy for the improvement and systematisation of education for children with different mother tongues, and promotion of equal access to basic education;

5. Mentoring for grassroots migrant-led organisations, who have recently become Consortium members by established and experienced members to improve their efficacy and ensure sustainability.

Project partners include:

Sdružení pro integraci a migraci (SIMI), Organizace pro pomoc uprchlíkům, Nesehnuti, Inbáze, Most pro, Multicultural Center, META, Charita, Kroky dobra, Kalyna.


Image credit: Consortium of Migrant Asssisting Organisations