Work in progress: transition to citizenship

Work in progress: transition to citizenship
  • 01 Apr 2019 - 30 Sep 2021
  • Status: Past
  • Italy
  • Children and Youth on the Move
  • Centro Ambrosiano di Solidarietà Onlus - CEAS

Achieving the autonomy of unaccompanied and separated migrant youth through employment, housing and social inclusion is the result that the CEAS project “Work in progress: transition to citizenship” aims to reach in Milan. The goal is to provide migrant youth the tools to overcome the uncertainties that often occur when they reach adulthood and have to leave the reception facility.

The project is run by a network of thirteen organizations, including public institutions and private social bodies, with a long experience of collaboration for unaccompanied children.

The main idea behind the project is that a better interaction between the reception system and the civil society (workplace, associations, peer relations) might improve the outcomes of job placement and social inclusion, increase the children’s social and interpersonal skills, and create a protection factor for young people at the end of their reception path.

Project partners: FUORILUOGHI SCS ONLUSAssociazione Amici del FAICOOPERATIVA SOCIALE TUTTINSIEMESave the Children Italia OnlusSocietà Cooperativa Sociale Comunità Progetto a.r.l.La Cordata s.c.s.Fondazione casa della carità Angelo Abriani onlusFondazione Franco Verga C.O.I.FONDAZIONE GIOVANNI E IRENE COVAPlayMore! Società Sportiva DilettantisticaComune di MilanoMestieri Lombardia.