EPIM Call for Proposals: Supporting unaccompanied and separated children and youth in Greece

Migration has moved to the top of Europe’s agenda as one of the key questions concerning the future of European societies. Despite its relevance when talking about the future, the potential and particular vulnerability of children on the move have been underrepresented in the debate. While EU Member States struggle to come up with coordinated responses, the foundations engaged in the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM) have dedicated a joint sub-fund to the promotion of long-term perspectives and protection of children on the move.

To support the effort at European level and dedicate attention to a group of particularly vulnerable individuals, four focussed country programmes are being rolled out in Germany, Belgium, Italy and Greece to address reception and the inclusion of unaccompanied and separated children and youth.

Greece faces a variety of challenges as a key country of arrival and transit, as well as a potential future country of destination. The current conditions in the country and its location now make Greece a transit country for children and youth, which leads to a high proportion of unaccompanied and separated children and youth absconding from reception facilities to move on to other EU Member States rather than seeking asylum in Greece. This onward journey puts children and youth in greater danger, increases their vulnerability and delays their integration into European society.

With this call for proposals, EPIM, together with the Stavros Niarchos Foundation and the Bodossaki Foundation, seeks to support civil society organisations in Greece who contribute to (at least one of) the following objectives:

  • IDENTIFICATION: Build safe structures and networks at the first points of arrival and strengthen mechanisms for identification in registration centres and main cities of transit.

Ensure that when arriving at the national points of entry or in transit destinations, children and youth are identified as being unaccompanied or separated, are referred to the appropriate child support institutions to be registered and receive the required protection and support.
Develop an effective referral and registration system to foster collaboration among local authorities, civil society professionals, volunteers and all other relevant stakeholders.

  • PROTECTION: Provide alternatives to detention with the support of sustainable transit structures. Foster individualised support and protection with the scaling up and improvement of the guardianship system for children and youth transiting through and/or establishing their life in Greece. 

Ensure that sufficient trained staff is mobilised within civil society organisations who will be able to take on the role or train others as children’s guardians and identify the best interest of the individual child to support them on their journey.
Adapt the outreach of existing measures to the needs and current (financial) situation in Greece.
Build human capacity (social workers, psychologists etc.) to react to developments around the arrival of children and youth in the short, medium and long term.

  • AWARENESS-RAISING: Raise awareness of the issues concerning unaccompanied and separated children and youth to avoid misinterpretation and increase the attention given to children and youth.

Provide knowledge on the need for the determination of the best interest of the child to all actors concerned with the reception of UACs, including local authorities.
Coordinate the efforts of civil society organisations and authorities to identify children and youths and their vulnerability in reception, transfer and integration procedures.
Empower unaccompanied and separated children and youth and make their voice heard.

The sub-fund is established for a period of 24 months. Project grants may amount up to €150,000 for the given timeframe.

All organisations eligible for EPIM funding are invited to submit a proposal for a project by 31 March 2016. Organisations eligible for EPIM funding with projects meeting the selection criteria will be invited to an interview with EPIM before their application is submitted to the EPIM Selection Committee for decision in late April 2016.

If you consider applying for EPIM funding in response to this call for proposal, please fill out the application form and send it to EPIM Programme Manager Sarah Sommer at sarah.sommer@epim.info.

DOC 1: Guidelines for submission of a proposal (PDF)
DOC 2: Application From (PDF)
DOC 3: Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)