EPIM Policy Update April 2017

EPIM Policy Update April 2017

EPIM Policy Updates are developed as a resource for organisations interested in European policy developments in the area of migration and integration. The European Policy Centre (EPC), a Brussels-based think tank, has been commissioned to produce these Policy Updates, which are released five times a year.

EPIM Policy Updates address topics relevant to EPIM’s Thematic Funds: Immigration Detention; Reforming the Common European Asylum System; Children and Youth on the Move; Mobile EU Citizens’ Access to Rights; and Building Inclusive European Societies.

Key highlights of this Policy Update include:

  • Progress report on CEAS and resettlement reforms by the Justice and Home Affairs Council on 27 March;
  • Commission presents new measures for EU return policy;
  • A closer look from ECRE on the efficiency paradox of Germany’s asylum system;
  • UNHCR statistics on arrivals;
  • Latest numbers for relocation and resettlement.