This project Xing/Crossing, implemented in Rome, Turin and Catania aims to facilitate the social and labour market inclusion of young migrants between 17-21 years old through a multidimensional system of temporary guardianship in collaboration with the reception systems.
The project supports the inclusion into the labour market of young people by stimulating motivation and project planning, giving value to the young people’s skills and previous work experiences and, at the same time, supporting the development of individual skills in relation to the labour market demand.
The initiative includes several activities such as: literacy and civic education courses, empowerment workshops, counselling workshops and PPWA – Personalized Plans for Working Autonomy, advocacy activities for the institutions, orientation towards housing autonomy and the experimentation of 15 co-housings, coaching activities and the implementation of 15 mentoring projects.
Project partners: ESSERCI S.C.S., Consiglio Italiano per I Rifugiati Onlus, Comune di Torino, ASSOCIAZIONE CENTRO ASTALLI PER L’ASSISTENZA AGLI IMMIGRATI, Save the Children Italia Onlus (STC IT), CIVICOZERO società Cooperativa Sociale onlus, PROSPETTIVA FUTURO SOC. COOP. SOCIALE