EPIM's New Approach & Priorities

EPIM's New Approach & Priorities

In October 2023, EPIM’s Steering Committee met in Brussels to approve its new Theory of Change, updated Approach and Priorities and a new Governance Model for the Fund.

This brought to an end the Process of Change – a fruitful year and half-long strategic review of EPIM’s achievements so far and where it is headed to next.

EPIM’s New Approach & Priorities

EPIM’s approach and priorities in 2024 (and after) build upon the legacy of successfully supporting civil society over the past two decades, whilst simultaneously reflecting its renewed Theory of Change and representing the ambitions contained in EPIM’s redefined mission and vision.

The approach is structured around

Four Action Pillars that define EPIM and underpin its programming and should be seen as: responses to the underlying challenges that EPIM identified at the start of the process of change; the lenses through which EPIM will look at all thematic priorities in the future, and the structural base that remains constant and underpin EPIM’s thematic priorities

Three Thematic Clusters and a Political Response, Opportunity and Innovation Fund that are the re-articulation of current priorities and provide a framework and structure to our interventions.

A Toolbox for Deployment

A Learning Framework that is premised upon four fundamental questions

  • What does it take to create relationships among actors within the ecosystem to advance positive changes? 
  • What does it take to create more alignment between public and private funding towards a shared purpose? 
  • What do we need to trigger alternative narratives and get them in the mainstream?
  • What does the new governance model do to the relationships between Foundations and other actors in the ecosystem? To the strategies and the grants that are made?