Initiative for Children in Migration

Initiative for Children in Migration
  • 01 Mar 2017 - 01 Mar 2019
  • Status: Past
  • EU
  • Children and Youth on the Move
  • Child Circle, Missing Children Europe, Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, Terre des Hommes

By supporting this project, EPIM aims to strengthen the Initiative for Children in Migration, which is an existing informal collaboration among NGOs and IGOs who have been deeply involved in joint advocacy work around EU law and policy concerning children in migration for several years. The initiative advocates for a comprehensive rights-based approach to the rights and protection of children in migration, alongside other policy and practice recommendations to address specific child rights challenges.

The initiative works to align a range of migration, asylum and child protection advocacy actors from European and national levels around shared policy recommendations and effectively communicate these recommendations to policy-makers and other stakeholders, responding to opportunities and through proactive agenda-setting, with a view to influencing EU Member States and Institutions in the medium to long term.

The Initiative asks the EU and member states to adopt a comprehensive rights based approach which:

1.  Respects, protects and fulfills the rights of all children in migration, without any discrimination.

2. Addresses all their rights, and all aspects of their situation.

3. Takes account of  children in all actions, throughout policy areas and stages of policy-making.

4. Involves all relevant actors working together.

You will find more information on the website of the initiative.