The Istituto Don Calabria, in cooperation with a network of eight partners, operates in Emilia Romagna, Sicily and Veneto to enhance the reception of young migrants in the regions and ensure the full respect of children’s rights as well as the recognizion of their needs.
In the areas where the projects are being implemented, the partners are developing support programmes to help young people reach their autonomy, such as literacy courses and initiatives for social integration with a specific attention to the recreational and cultural aspects. The project aims at the implementation of employment opportunities for young people by activating employment scholarships and internships lasting a minimum of four months. In addition, in order to promote housing inclusion, it enhances the use of apartments in semi-autonomy and offers packages of housing first, through which it makes contributions for the house deposit and rent for a period of six months.
The project is committed to the service operators’ training and the development of effective practices aiming at the immediate identification of vulnerable boys and girls but also possible victims of trafficking. In Palermo, the project has envisaged the creation of a legal information desk for children and young people that may guarantee and extend their protection and support girls victims of trafficking.
In addition, Ferrara, Verona and Palermo are promoting initiatives aiming at informing and raising the awareness among the local community on the issue of foster care and accompanying families by offering training sessions for the families concerned and expanding the network of volunteers guardians through training courses.
Project partners: Comune di Brescia, Dormitorio San Vincenzo de Paoli, Fondazione PInAC, Forum Provinciale del Terzo Settore di Brescia, Il Calabrone Onlus Cooperativa Sociale, L’Alternativa Cooperativa Sociale, La Vela Cooperativa Sociale, Solco Brescia, Tempo Libero Cooperativa Sociale