EPIM Policy Update July 2015

EPIM Policy Update July 2015

The July 2015 edition of the EPC Policy Update specifically prepared for organisations engaged in EPIM is now available online.

EPIM has commissioned the European Policy Centre (EPC), a Brussels-based think tank, to produce regular EPC Policy Updates. These focussed analyses have the aim of supporting the advocacy work being done by organisations engaged in EPIM by providing information on a range of recent EU-level policy-making, legislation and jurisprudence relevant to EPIM’s three focus areas:

(1) Asylum seekers (2) Undocumented Migrants (3) Equality, integration and social inclusion of vulnerable migrants.

This edition’s special focus is dedicated to analysing the European Commission’s Agenda on Migration and summarises the evolution of the different initiatives that have been taken since its adoption.

Other key highlights of this Policy Update include:

  • The role of the Luxembourgish Presidency in the Council of the EU and its priority to manage migration;
  • The scaling up of Frontex and its joint operations Triton and Poseidon;
  • The creation of a military operation in the Southern Central Mediterranean (EUNAVFOR);
  • A synthesis report on unaccompanied minors issued by the European Migration Network (EMN);
  • The bi-annual report on the functioning of the Schengen Area published by the European Commission;
  • A position paper by PICUM on the EU Return Directive 2008/115/EC;
  • Reasoned opinions against Belgium, Spain and Slovenia on their transposition of the Single Permit Directive;
  • Upcoming events at EU level.