EPIM Policy Update October 2015

EPIM Policy Update October 2015

The October 2015 edition of the EPC Policy Update specifically prepared for organisations engaged in EPIM is now available online.

EPIM has commissioned the European Policy Centre (EPC), a Brussels-based think tank, to produce regular EPC Policy Updates. These focussed analyses have the aim of supporting the advocacy work being done by organisations engaged in EPIM by providing information on a range of recent EU-level policy-making, legislation and jurisprudence relevant to EPIM’s three focus areas:

(1) Asylum seekers (2) Undocumented Migrants (3) Equality, integration and social inclusion of vulnerable migrants.

This edition’s special focus is dedicated to analysing the legislative, political and humanitarian developments that have recently taken place concerning the EU’s so-called “refugee crisis”.

Other key highlights of this Policy Update include:

  • An update on the “hotspots” to assist frontline member states in the context of the refugee crisis;
  • The launch of the AIDA (Asylum Information Database) Annual report 2014/2015: “Common asylum system at a turning point: refugees caught in Europe’s solidarity crisis”;
  • EASO (European Asylum Support Office) – Annual report for 2014 on the situation of asylum in the European Union in 2014;
  • Eurostat statistics on the asylum seekers who applied for protection in the EU during the second quarter of 2015;
  • Frontex’s Western Balkans Quarterly Report for the second quarter of 2015, which forecasted the difficult situation of this summer at the EU external border;
  • Upcoming events at EU level.