A New Visual Identity to Reflect EPIM’s Evolution

A New Visual Identity to Reflect EPIM’s Evolution

As of April 2nd, 2024, EPIM becomes the European Philanthropic Initiative for Migration.




The new moniker and visual identity are the final outcome of EPIM’s Process of Change that culminated last year. The name, Pathway to Change, updated Approach and Priorities and a new Governance Model for the fund, were approved at a final Steering Committee meeting in Brussels in October 2023.

The changes embody EPIM’s transformation from a philanthropic re-granter to its new role as a system change funder: an ecosystem curator and field catalyst in the migration space in Europe. They also reinforce the connection between EPIM’s work and greater issues of democracy and belonging.

The logo itself symbolises what this new EPIM stands for: ecosystems, interconnectedness, trust, networks, alliances, and humanity. The rounded shapes and the curves with no starting and end points reflect EPIM’s understanding of change as something complex, interconnected and never linear.  The two eyes in the centre convey the message of a shared big picture – an objective that is at the core of EPIM’s purpose. Together, they symbolise the ideas, visions and alliances that will emerge in the ecosystem.

The choice of colour palette signifies EPIM’s move away from an institutional set of colours and away from a view of migration that is predominantly siloed, formal, and politico legal. The new colours embody the diversity and human-centricity of migration and convey a sense of warmth, hope and belonging.

The new logo and branding were developed in collaboration with CONCAT. EPIM was proud to work with a team of talented refugee and female developers who helped visually depict this evolution.

The changes to EPIM’s public persona will take place in a staggered manner, with immediate updates to social media (LinkedIn) and only cosmetic changes to the website initially. This will be followed by the launch of a new website in the Fall of 2024.

Please find high-resolution versions of EPIM’s new branding linked here. We would be grateful if you can update any public links to EPIM and its work on your social media and website to reflect the new name and branding, and reshare/retweet our social media launch messages on April 2nd.